Obtaining Colony status is the first step to becoming an Epsilon Tau Pi Chapter. When a group of men or women want to become a Colony of Epsilon Tau Pi on a campus where there is no Epsilon Tau Pi chapter in existence, they may achieve “Colony Status” by receiving permission to affiliate with Epsilon Tau Pi from the National Executive Board of the Fraternity. The process of becoming a colony is a three step process. An interest group (at least ten people) must petition and obtain Colony status from the Epsilon Tau Pi Fraternity. The Colony must fulfill all requirements for chartering. The Colony must petition the Fraternity for recognition as an operating chapter in good standing. If this process is successfully followed and the petition is accepted and approved by the Fraternity, then a charter will be granted and the organization will become an official Colony of Epsilon Tau Pi with all privileges, rights and obligations thereof. An informational packet and application forms can be found here: ETP Colonizaton Packet ETP-Colonizaton-Packet.pdf 465.5 KiB 4513 Downloads Details Category:Public Date:November 8, 2020 Feel free to contact us with any questions.